To give is to serve. Simply stated, that is the mission, purpose, and reason for being of Give2Serve. Throughout our global community, there are varying needs, from hunger to homelessness to hopelessness to sickness to poverty to climate change. We have made it our mission to partner with individuals, businesses, and other organizations to collectively give of ourselves in order to serve varying needs within our global community.

The Give2Serve Pledge is a commitment to invest 10% into your community. We partner with businesses that have made this commitment to invest 10% of all of their proceeds into their communities by partnering with Give2Serve. We also partner with various charitable organizations that are serving identified needs within their local communities. Individuals looking to be purposeful with the spending of their dollars will prioritize supporting businesses who have taken this Give2Serve Pledge , knowing that a portion of those dollars will be reinvested into their communities and make a positive impact.